Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hi All again

Back from Melbourne, gee What a weekend and Tuesday it was, 110 thousand People rocked up for cup day in flamingtion. The weather was better than what I expected still rained those also rained right on the eve of the big race too. I went down after cricket Saturday night for A friend's 40th birthday trip down there, Saturday Night Went to Melbourne deaf club for super coach Party It was a great way to catch up with all the boys who are involved in cricket and the super coach Program too I did have a few relaxing drinks after a day we almost up stage Randwick and after the game I told the boys that we were a better team than what they are so I needed a nice Drink after been so so Close.

Monday I had a meeting with Channel 7 studio in melbourne, With Paul Richardson, He show me around the Studio gee never seen anything like it there were computer,tv, people everywhere even old tapes he even show me the tape when I was on Minute to Win it gee they even got old tapes from Melbourne Olympics 1956 another thing I never seen in my live is so many km of Cable enough to do Melbourne to Darwin I rec-ken. Meeting went well and smoothly which was I expected anyhow.

Cup Day there were so many people there and colour what an amazing day, guess your all waiting for to see how I went on the racers :) I hope you all had a great day too and backed a winner Like I did :) Almost to the end of 60seconds with watto. I would like to take this chance to thank these People, Micheal and Kate Parrymore, Paul Richardson, Greg Davidson,Lauren too hey cant leave with out saying thank Melbourne so much I had a ball smile. Nick